Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Just Stop It

I am so tired of the Democrats eating their young.

Joe Biden is no older today than he was last year at this time, if you look at it from a percentage-of-life-lived perspective.  If people were outraged and fearful then, they certainly kept their mouths shut, even thought President Biden was abysmally behind in the polls.

Now, when the polling numbers are moving in Biden's direction, instead of rallying around their leader, the Democrats are looking to score points, to move up in the pecking order, to lust without seeming to yearn.

The President raised unprecedented amounts of money in the days after the debate, some of it from TBG and me.  I was sending a message that the situation is okay with me, given the alternative.

Would I rather have had this conversation 18 months ago?  Sure, but nobody asked me.

I'd have liked President Biden to choose to go out the door with the economy on an upswing and the Bi-Partisan Infrastructure Bill (which deserves to be capitalized just that way) creating roads and bridges and bike lanes and public transportation which might just be named after him.

I'd have liked Gretchen Whitmer and Secretary Pete and Cory Booker and Josh Pritzker and Josh Shapiro and Gavin Newsom and Kamala Harris and anybody else who wanted to throw a hat into the ring to battle it out in public.  That's an impressive array of talent, ready to step up to the plate and deal with whatever the Republicans choose to dish out in 2028.  

For now, they and everyone else hoping to avoid the apocalypse should pull together and remind America what putting the Democrats in charge will do.  Remind the voters that an unrepentant sex offender with a history of not paying his bills is not someone they'd hire to manage a McDonalds, let alone the United States of America.  

Let's stop making the Republicans' points for them.  It's free advertising of the very worst kind, and the media is feeding the beast.  

I'm looking to France, where the polls were trending right and the voters trended decidedly left.  Americans of all genders and descriptions are quite aware that their rights have been trampled upon, and that what remains will be ground up and spit out unless they and those who love them hie to the voting booths in November.

Trying to take action is better than wallowing in despair..... for today, at least. 


  1. I just read an article in the New York Times that interested me.

    James Carville: Biden Won’t Win. Democrats Need a Plan. Here’s One.

    I'm not happy with the stance of the NYT Editorial Board, but I'm unsure about Joe also. It it too late? I don't know. If he's the candidate he as my support, but I'm not happy with my choices.

    1. The NYTimes hates Biden. He's a good decent man and the other guy isn't. That's enough for me.

  2. IF the democrats are going forward to ousting Joe, then start bringing in the replacement names. Who are the people they think CAN win? I don't think they have any answers, and are just stirring up trouble instead of getting behind Biden and showing support. I've even said I would vote for Nixon or Reagan (both of whom I despised) before I would vote for that previous president. Someone wrote that Jimmy Carter would be a better candidate than the convicted criminal. That's how desperate the situation has gotten to be.

    1. If the Dems had pulled together and run Trump lying commercials instead of turning on their own we'd be in a better position than we are today. Who would vote for a party that can't get its shit together this late in the game?


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