
Thursday, July 11, 2024

They Won't Quit

The Lying Liar hasn't been seen in 11 days.  Where's the media on that?

The Republican Party is set to nominate a convicted felon as its standard bearer.  Where's the media on that?

Why, they are covering the spectacle that is the Democratic Party once again stepping on a chance to save democracy and preserve The American Way..... ensuring instead of limiting rights, caring instead of denying, participating in a free and fair way.

There's a damn fine message waiting to be delivered.  There are people who will listen.  They are not my young friend from yesterday, not the MAGA diehards, nor those convinced that Joe is too old and Kamala is weak.  They are the women who will go to the polls in Arizona to enshrine the right to reproductive care in our Constitution.  They are the voters who will not vote for a felon.  They might be the voters driving across a new bridge paid for by the Democrats and Joe Biden's infrastructure bill.

And, of course, there are those of us who would vote for my great aunt Sadie rather than see that crook retake the crown.  

Because a crown it would be.  

Where's the media on that?


  1. I am sad to say that even if the media gave more coverage to all the negatives about T, it wouldn't make a difference. The people who are scared about Biden staying in the race know those negatives and that is why they are scared. And of course it wouldn't make a difference to T's base, or to those who have decided they would rather not vote than making a choice between T and Biden. :(

    1. I wish they paid as much attention to T's failings as they do to B's

  2. It is a stunt that the other guy is lying low and being so quiet.

    1. Or maybe he's having secret rejuvenating treatments.... or maybe he's just letting the Dems shoot themselves in the heart.

  3. I applaud you and I wish there were lots more of you.
    The media coverage elected T and defeated HRC before. They are at is again.

    1. You know I agree with you re HRC's loss. We scream about Sinclair Media, but how much of mainstream media is controlled by above, too. Those CEO's are the rich guys profiting from the R's plans.

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