
Wednesday, July 10, 2024

I Failed

I had all the talking points.  I had the statistics on my phone.  We sat, just the two of us, at a quiet table, painting ceramic flowers.

We spent two hours talking about what's at stake in the upcoming election.  

He couldn't get past the fact that Joe Biden is old, and garbles his words, and he has the videos to back it up.  He just can't vote for someone's who has dementia, whose brain doesn't work.  He can't have someone who cannot think clearly leading the nation.

He thinks the indictments will all go away because they are flawed.  Does he think it's okay to remove Top Secret/Eyes Only documents and store them in your bathroom?  Haven't you ever broken the rules?

The seriousness of exposing our allies' wartime capabilities was beyond him.  Joe Biden is old.

Serial, unrepentant sexual abuser..... convicted of business fraud in service of trying to steal an election..... find me 11,000 some odd votes......  he had nothing to say to any of that, but he still couldn't see himself voting for Biden.

He wishes there were another alternative.  Yeah, well, this is what's on the menu.  

Would you hire a failed business man to run your business?  More than I would someone who cannot think straight.

Reproductive rights touched him, as did access to contraception.  The border and concomitant crime (that poor dead girl in Texas.... I wonder if she's happy being a martyr to the right) was his top concern.  When I describe Trump's scuttling of the bi-partisan border bill so that Biden wouldn't get a win, he chalked it up to a smart political move.

Serial, unrepentant sex offender was what got the most traction, and I used it unabashedly, with a wicked grin and a c'mon, kiddo, you know better than that shake of my head.... because I know he does.  He knows I'm biased toward the left, while his mom leans more to the right, but even she can't vote for the Lying Liar because he doesn't respect women, and that's it for me.  

I talked about the down ballot races, suggested that he skip the Presidential line entirely (he thought that would be abdicating his duty), and threw in the overturning of our democracy for kicks and giggles.

I failed. 


  1. Forgive me, but if he is worried about someone not thinking straight, maybe he needs to take a good listen to himself.

    1. It all makes perfect sense to him. His cynicism breaks my heart.
      And there's no need to ask forgiveness; I wanted to shake him, too :-)


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