
Monday, July 1, 2024

The End (for a while, at least)

It's despair that I'm feeling.  It's not a place I like to go.  I've reverted to November, 2019, right after the election, when I could not listen to the news.  I've asked TBG to change the channel, and until he finds something else to watch my innards are in turmoil.  

I cannot do this to myself.

If all this does is confirm that Joe is an old man then I'd say no harm, no foul.  And then I would add this:

When your wife is in the hospital, dying of sepsis, after being denied basic medical care, you're not going to care that Joe Biden is old.

Anyone who believes that a convicted felon should be president cannot be influenced.  The rest of us should focus on policy and implementation and those pesky down ballot races. That's where I'm going to start with Mr. 21.  

It's time to start studying Project 2025 and scaring the shit out of those young non-voters who have absolutely no idea what is in store for them.  

And I can do all that without watching or reading the news.... saving my sanity and democracy one day at a time..  


  1. I would think every woman in the nation would have enough fear in what could happen to get their vote into the ballot box, but I fear they may be taking their previous good fortune for granted, thinking it will always be "good enough." There are people who truly believe the nation cannot become Hitler's Germany, and yet we see it heading that direction.

    1. They should, because he and his followers have made it abundantly clear what their agenda is.

  2. Well said, and I have to add that I cannot understand the following that guy has, he's been a criminal all his life and he has a good chance to retaking the Presidency. Never underestimate the power of American people to be stupid. This one is going to be determined by the women and young people and those oldsters like myself that have been paying attention. And don't get me started on that hot mess of the SCOTUS decision on Presidential immunity...... Keep the faith, many of us will. VOTE!!


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