
Friday, June 28, 2024

Oh, Dear

Joe can't seem to get it together.  He looks and sounds like he'd rather be asleep.

Trump is looking alert and somehow is making coherent sentences come out of his mouth.  

I want to reach out and close Joe's lips together.  He may think it looks surprised.  It comes across as vapid.

The Lying Liar is at his usual tricks, but he's doing it with energy.  Joe's got some points somewhere among the word salad he's struggling over.  

It's breaking my heart.  

I watched so you didn't have to.  TBG wanted to change the channel after five minutes.  For you, we watched the whole thing.

The talking heads are reporting panic in the upper ranks of the Democratic political machine.  Their potential nominee looked vulnerable tonight.  

I fear for our democracy.


  1. I feared for something like this so stayed far away. Not reading too many commentators either. I trust your words and they seem to convey what I'm hearing elsewhere. the previous president probably napped all afternoon and probably took some uppers to refresh his brain.

    Biden probably worked all day, changed clothes, and took off for this exercise in futility.

    I cannot do anything after 4 p.m. Even mid-afternoon can be a challenge as I found this past week when I did a video interview. Fortunately, I had a wonderful director/producer who could stop taping and give me better sentences to say. And I'm almost a decade younger than Biden.

  2. Yes, Joe truly had a bad night, and was not helped by the worthless moderators Tapper & Bash who let the convicted felon lie with impunity, pivot from the question at hand, and spew his usual garbage. I share your fear.

    1. Fact checking would've been nice. Amber awake Joe would have been nice. I did not sleep well last night.

    2. Nor did I...................

  3. I did turn the debate off after the first set of questions. I just couldn't watch. I can't understand how they let Biden show so bad. What's was with the raspy voice and scrunched up face. I am just so disappoined. I didn't expect Biden's performance to change the Trumpsters' minds but dang. So sad.

    1. Had I not promised to watch so you didn't have to, we'd have been gone then, too.


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