
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

My New Chair

Weighted inflatable ball with hand pump and foot rest.
American flag quilt by Not-Kathy.

It seemed simpler than it's turned out to be.

Balancing while typing requires two sets of brain functions, both of which are used to being the only one in charge in any given moment.  It's a challenge to stay balanced and think deep thoughts.

Initially, it was too soft.  I was too low to the keyboard and didn't feel enough support from below.  My feeble attempts at inflating it did nothing to improve the situation.  TBG didn't think he accomplished anything after he tried, but he was wrong.

At this moment,  I am precariously balanced atop a rather unforgiving and ever changing surface.  Weighted to exist in a state of almost-stationary-but-not-quite, staying in one place requires constant motion by the sitter.  

Yes, it's counterintuitive.  But it's true.  One deep breath and the whole thing reacts.... usually just as one of those deep thoughts is emerging.  Hanging onto both at the same time is giving my brain new challenges, and that's a good thing.  Losing my train of thought, not so much.

Then there's question of stature.  My feet don't reach the floor if I sit at the very top.  I have a foot rest, but my feet don't reach it if my knees are at a ninety degree angle.  I can lean forward and sway side to side.  I can put the foot rest under one foot. while the other is on its toes.  Finding a stack of something to put under the other foot is a new priority.  

No matter what position I choose for my feet, my back and gluteal musculature must be engaged so I don't fall forward or back.  This makes typing to you a form of exercise, one which will speak to me later this evening.   

While it is very difficult to stay focused when the chair is an active participant in the activity, when I know what I'm going to write it's fun to bounce up and down.

This is an enjoyable conundrum.


  1. I have used a stable ball for my office "chair" for about 10 years now. I am on "chair" number 3. Eventually the ball will quit holding air. oh, and you will have add air every couple of weeks. It is a great way to help your balance and strengthen your core, which keeps you balanced on the ball. In time, you will be able to let your feet dangle, balance with your core, and type quite well.

    1. The similarities between our lives continues to astound me! Thanks for the encouragement!

  2. Hmmm. I am curious as to why you decided to try this balance ball chair. Was it prescribed? I'm thinking my balance is probably way too bad to manage it. Should i be doing this?

    1. It was not prescribed. Son bought it for his wife while they were here and I took it over and liked it. Plus, the grandson loved jumping off the bed and landing on it!


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!