
Thursday, July 18, 2024


I learned from my mother.  Her mother sewed, Daddooooo's mother crocheted.  I don't think there's a story behind that, but I wanted to share the data anyway.

Knitting was G'ma's go-to craft, and we had the handmade ski sweaters to prove it.  Unfortunately, she used scratchy wools that no one who's been alive since acrylics hit the scene would ever put. on their bodies again.  I gave them all away, heartbreaking though it was.  I like to think of a cold un-housed human being comforted by her stitches.

I have a closet full of yarns that I really did think would become a project when I bought them.  Somehow, shopping was more fun than creating and now the skeins sit, taking up closet space, waiting to be put to use.

Taos Bubbe texted me today, wondering if I would teach her granddaughter to crochet.  We have a date on Friday.  Green is her color, and I certainly have enough of it to get her started.  

I've always had a problem finding the last stitch on the row.  My scarves end up with diagonal edges.  I've become the master at putting edging round the errors, like putting lipstick on a pig.  If I'm the only one who knows it's there, what's the harm?  That's the lesson I'm going to share.

Crocheting is better than biting your nails.  It's better than sitting in front of a screen, hands idle, brain absorbing but not participating.  It gives you small gifts for friends and big gifts for special occasions.  It calms the soul.  

As I type this I am reminded that I have a wedding present afghan that's almost but not quite finished.  The wedding was two years ago.  

 My last crocheting craze started when Little Cuter was first pregnant.  Baby hats, round blankets, stroller sized wraps, swaddles, tiny mittens - they were produced at an alarming rate.  The fascination lasted through her second pregnancy, went on hiatus for a few years, then sprung into action once HoneyBunny was preparing to arrive. 

There's a giant pink blanket waiting to be completed.  Her little brother will be delivered in January, and thus far nothing has been created to welcome him.  I think Taos Bubbe's request is just what I need to get going.

Her granddaughter will learn on green.  I'll get started on a blue baby blanket for my next grandson.  Gender specific colors can be useful when the baby is teeny tiny and not obviously male or female.  As Big Cuter told people looking at his bald baby sister in the stroller - It's wearing PINK!! It's a GIRL!!!

And then we went home and scotch taped a bow to her head.

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