
Wednesday, June 5, 2024


It's like this the first week of every summer. 

What day is it? comes out of my mouth more than one. 

School's out of session and I'm flummoxed.  Without structure beyond Pilates three times a week, I'm not beholden to anyone for anything.  I'm committed to Mahjong on Friday mornings, but I'm not required to attend.  

I have a dental appointment Thursday afternoon; it's the only non-recurring event.  

Survivor and Bachelor and Oak Island are on summer break, too.  That's how TBG kept track of the days so he's no help at all.

I'll figure out how to think about it and where to put my energies now that the outdoors is inhospitable for most of the day.  I'm sure of that.  

For today, though, I wanted to write about feeling untethered. l I thought it might help.

Hmmmmmm.......   not so far...........


  1. School is not out here yet, but all of our regular TV shows are done for now. We're relying on Netflix, and here outside season is just beginning.

  2. Definitely not "untethered," but not pushed or pulled. Much more relaxed and on my own schedule. No books or materials to prepare, no days to arrange so as to be at school on time and for a time, then home to collapse. My days are ending with energy to spare. I like that.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!