
Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Olympic Trials

My husband has been watching hockey and soccer in real time.  This is new.

In the past, were he interested in a particular contest, he'd record it, fast forward until the score changed, then rewind to watch the goal.  The perfect way to watch these things he'd smugly announce... each and every time.

Perhaps it's COVID, perhaps it's June and there's not much else going on, or perhaps he's truly open to change in his dotage.  All I know is that I have many more hours to myself, allowing me to type to you while fans cheer and I ignore them.  

I do not ignore the track and field Olympic trials, though.  These are recorded so that we can escape the blather and revel in watching the strongest, fastest, most limber athletes in the USA today.  The cameras are right up in the athletes' faces.  We see smiles and concentration and joy and that inward gaze that brooks no interference.  TBG gets to reminisce about when he was fast.  

We also get to judge the outfits.  

Some are what you'd expect.

Some are matchy matchy.
Some are just background for the manicure.
That's a winner's smile, by the way.  

There are tattoos and fabulously intricate hairstyles.  There are anxious parents and delighted grandmas and high school kids setting records.  The stadium is gorgeous and the sun is shining.

Form and function and fashion are everywhere except for the shot putters, who dress like I do.

This ended more naturally when I was able to add the last two visuals, which originally ran as blank squares and are now links.

All the other images are from and


  1. I love your take on the Track and Field athletes. I have only seen a bit of the qualifying, but yes, it is quite a fashion show. I missed those fingernails. Wow! Sort of Ugh!
    All those perfect bodies made me comment that I need to lose weight. :-/

    1. Watching the women's 200 and smiling that maybe you are, too. TBG agrees with you on both the sort of ugh and the perfect bodies inspiring us.... as we eat ice cream.


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