
Monday, June 24, 2024

Now, Where Were We?

Thanks to modern medicine and a caring physician, I feel a lot better right now.  I'm so ready to be back in the world.  Taking a break from politics was lovely.  Having a real excuse to stay in the air conditioning instead of venturing out into triple digit temperatures for any reason at all was great.  The public library and Amazon Prime kept my brain from atrophying.

I couldn't have done anything more than I did, though I tried.  I drove to bring back lunch one afternoon and thought seriously about taking a nap halfway there.... and it was only 2.1 miles away.  The body knows, and it is not shy about exerting its will.

But I've left the malaise behind, and now I'm ready to tackle the heady issues of the day.  Not that there are many issues to tackle.  After graduations and before 4th of July is a slow, slow time in the news business.  The talking heads can't even get too excited about Clarence Thomas's notion that if it wasn't in the Silence Do Good papers it doesn't count as law.  The Letters to the Editor in the local paper are aggravated that a candidate for Congress is running tv ads touting his military experience; is that all the outrage that exists in the land?

I don't know.  I've been lying on a bed watching Bosch and reading James Patterson novels for two and a half weeks.

I've been watching the mourning doves breakfast on the little bugs on the pony wall, flitting to the palo verde to digest between courses.  I've been watching the bats dive bomb one another in search of those same tasty treats as the sunsets.  In between, Harlan Coban and Lisa Scottoline have filled in the gaps, when the tv's flashing lights hurt my eyes.

Did I mention that I didn't wear my hearing aids while I was sick?  The real world was too loud, even unamplified.

I fear that I am drifting away from meaningful content.  That's not surprising, given the lack of new inputs I've allowed to drift my way recently.  But Tuesday is the debate.  I've read some interesting books, or books on which I have interesting opinions.  And life goes on.  I'm sure I'll be more thought provoking as my brain begins to function again.

For now, I'm going to reread what I wrote before succumbing and see where to go from there.  

It's good to be back,


  1. So glad you are better! by the way, the debate is on Thursday...

  2. Glad to know you are on the mend, hopefully no repercussions going forward from this COVID monster. It is hot in Fresno, too. We are staying close to home, but there are some errands that require me to be out. This week is filled with them. I will NOT be watching the debate. I cannot stand to see or hear that previous guy who thinks he was, and should still be, the president.

  3. I'm happy to hear that you have recovered. This new strain of COVID is scary.
    Politics are interesting me less and less.

    1. Apparently, we only contract the best diseases :-)


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