
Wednesday, January 18, 2023

The Sun Is Out

The air is ionized. 

The sky is blue.

The clouds are high and white.

There's snow on Mt. Lemmon.

I don't feel well enough to enjoy any of it.  It's not COVID (funny how that's the first thing we do these days).  It's just overall body aches, sore-ish throat, headache, and absolutely no energy at all.

I had nothing on the calendar.  I was waiting for a package requiring a signature so the day was going to be full of closet emptying and rearranging and desk clearing and holiday boxes going back into the closet in the garage. 

None of that happened.  I kept trying to do something but I never got very far into reading or laundry or those closets.  I did manage to type to you, but only to update you on the situation.  I plan to feel better tomorrow.  I promise to be more interesting when next we meet.

Until then, I'm going back to lie on the couch and feel sorry for myself.  


  1. Even with a flu shot on top of all those COVID vaccines, Terry and I got a case of Influenza A. we only knew because I had to cancel my yearly checkup due to a cough and the doctor wouldn't accept that! She insisted on a video conference and then sent me for testing after hearing the cough. Sure enough, negative on COVID and RSV but positive on Influenza A. I've never had the flu because I always get my flu shot. This year was an outlier, so said the doctor.

  2. Some days are diamonds, some days are stone.
    I'm sorry you are not feeling well, but the good thing is you can just take the day off if you want to.
    I hurt today. I'm not doing much either.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!