
Thursday, January 19, 2023

George Who?

For a quick second, I thought that George Santos represented the district in which I grew up.  It gave me chills.  Then I Googled, waded through a variety of redistricting maps, and found out that he is the elected representative of the North Shore not the South Shore of Long Island.  

The North Shore, a little bit richer, a little bit whiter, a little bit more conservative than my home turf, the South Shore.  There's a little bit of Queens tucked into the western corner of the district, but most of it is that upper crust.  And they have only themselves to blame for the fact that George Santos is their voice in Congress.

And not only is he their voice, he's part of the coalition of right wingnuts who are trying to dismantle our democracy, one Jim Jordan committee chairmanship at a time.  

I keep trying to grapple with people who defied subpoenas issuing subpoenas.  

The Oversight Committee's Republican membership includes members who were deemed by their peers in the last Congress to be truly terrible people in need of oversight themselves.

Juan Ciscomani, whose face sat behind Kevin McCarthy during the last 10 votes or so, a pretty prop, my freshman Congressman, will be sitting on the Appropriations Committee.  

And then there is George Santos, who somehow ended up in Congress.  I've been wondering the same thing that a former roommate told the NYPost:

“I kind of assumed that he had made up, you know, about going to Baruch and NYU. But then I thought, ‘Well, maybe I was wrong,’ you know, after the election, because I’m sure the DCCC [Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee] and RNC [Republican National Committee] would have, you know, investigated him and at least his opponent would have done some opp[osition] research,” Morey-Parker said.

 And that's where I come down on this whole situation.  Wasn't anybody paying attention to this?  There's a narrow margin in the House; what were the Democrats thinking by not knowing about this guy?  

The revelations just keep coming.  He stole a $3,000 Go Fund Me campaign for a veteran's sick support dog.... and the dog died.  The vet was on CNN tonight; he's very sympathetic.  Then there are the pictures that might just be of the Congressman, the pictures of maybe-him dressed in drag.  

He's been relegated to two low level committees, but he's still representing CD 3 in New York.  

And it's only the first month of this new regime.  


  1. Yes, indeed, why weren't they all paying better attention? And now that we know, more and more, why are we keeping him?

  2. Apparently he lives in the world of alternative facts.

    1. And there was Ms Alternative Facts for a full page in the NYTimes' opinion pages. Why don't we stop giving them space in the public sphere?


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