
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

What November Looks Like in Tucson

The week started out grimly.  Then I complained.  That's no way to feel thankful for the many wonderful things in my life.  

Our President-Elect is a kind and competent man, with a moral compass.  He was a gentleman when Trump was being obstreperous and now that things are moving along he's calling out his predecessor in the subtlest and most delightful way.  I do not cringe when I see him take the podium.

FlapJilly wins at Monopoly, legitimately, and reads well enough for Does that bumper sticker say shit? to come out of her mouth.  Giblet sings the ABC's when he feels like it, and is quick to SHHHHH anyone who laughs or tries to help.  My grown up children and those they love are as happy and as productive and as sane as one can be in these times.  

And then there is the beauty of the roses, which I'm sharing with you, because I feel for the ones who must take a walk when it's 38 degrees and raining, because a sweet six year old wanted to get some exercise.  

I watched this one open as I worked at the desk one morning.
The rock roses in the front took a few years to get established, but they've finally decided to show off.
Katie, at Rillito Nursery, saved a Peace rose tree for me last year.  It, too, took some time getting used to its new home, but this Fall it's getting to strut its stuff.... at least on top
The flowers start out white then add yellow and pink.  They smell good, too.
And, just because it's pretty and I didn't want it to feel excluded from the photo shoot, here is my happy vinca.

If it's cold and dark and dreary where you are, I hope this helps.  


  1. Nice. I woke up to an inch of snow on the ground here in Vermont. I channeled my inner Dorothy Parker: "What fresh hell is this?"

    1. I do not miss the cccccold. I miss the snow, though not enough to want to return to it. Your Dorothy Parker quote made me laugh!

  2. Perhaps I will try killing roses next. There may be a vacancy on a sprinkler emitter soon. Or maybe I'll just go get the metal sculpture agaves and call it good. Your roses are beautiful.

    1. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE! I'm giggling out loud :-)
      Roses are remarkably easy, much to my surprise. Once they get settled (mine took a few years) they are very happy campers. They need water, but who cares???? They are beautiful.
      On the other hand, the metal sculptures don't need much care at all <3

  3. Cold rain here now in Seattle as the darkness settles over us. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I will be thankful.


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