
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

They Came, Anyway

The UV and I took a drive to Whole Foods this afternoon, picking up groceries 45 minutes after ordering them on-line.  I can get used to this calling ahead and bringing it out to me routine (except for fruits and veggies, said she as she starred glumly at the over-ripe and soggy cubed watermelon she bought for a special treat).  

The groceries were a non-event.  The driving is driving this post.  The snowbirds have returned, in all their I can't remember how to drive in the sunshine glory.  

They are changing lanes without signaling, to the detriment of all concerned.  Two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time (that's been upgraded from Newton's Law to Pauli's exclusion principle but that's a rabbit hole we'll avoid for now).  This does not seem to apply to vehicles with out of state plates.  Two of them tried to be in the left turn lane at the same time; collisions were avoided and no one was injured but I, driving (sensibly) far behind one of them, held my breath for a while.

Traveling 4 miles under the speed limit in the left lane while a Southwest Gas Truck with an speedometer regulator keeping him to 45 mph tools merrily along in the right lane is not something that we do here.  We just don't. Ina Road is a major thoroughfare in the best of times; the speed limit is usually a pleasant suggestion.  The shiny red SUV didn't seem to care.

I put myself in the right lane and waited to turn into the parking lot.

Coming home was no better.  I don't understand the philosophy behind coasting to a red light that's half a mile ahead of you.  Did the fact that there's a big ole' right turn lane up there escape you? There's no real shoulder to give those of us coasting behind you an edge.  We're stuck, the guy in front of me and the four cars who followed us, until you creep up to the start of the lane.

Yes, yes, yes.... what will I do with the 30 seconds I save?.... what's the rush?...... relax and enjoy the sunshine.  Those are all valid points, but they aren't my point.

My point is that despite travel warnings and COVID spikes and the lack of available staff to care for the beds in the ICU's, people came here anyway.  They weren't here earlier during Pandemica, but the New York and California and Nebraska (?!) license plates are crowding my roads and driving poorly and I'm upset enough about the whole situation to have taken up an entire post venting about it.  

Thanks for listening.  I feel much better now.


  1. I apologize for the Californians. Although they are probably not the slow drivers, I'm sure they are creating havoc on your roadways just as they do here. Although I pretty much stay in my own zip code, I pray each time I leave home that I will get back safely. Local drivers can cause accidents just as much as those out of towners.

  2. Yesterday La Cholla was backed up, approaching Ajo. After cresting the hill so we could see what happened, we were turned around because we could neither go left or right at the intersection. Then we tried to go to Mission to get to Ajo, but that was solid, as well. GPS showed TWO accidents between Mission and La Cholla. My bet is that it was caused by locals who routinely run red lights, tail gate and drive too fast for their level of skill with a car. In short, I would not mind a few snowbirds to slow down the locals. We're not seeing the usual influx in the south west quadrant, no Candians. Try to take solace in the fact that they come, spend money, and then leave.

  3. You have my assurance that I won't be snow birding to your state, even though I am a good driver.


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