
Monday, April 27, 2020

It's Not Only....

It's not only staying in my pajamas all day and thinking that it's just fine.

It's not only recognizing that I haven't used deodorant since we've been locked down, and that, if TBG is to be believed, I haven't done anything to raise a stink since then either, . 

The sense of accomplishment washing over me after Pilates-On-Line and a shower would be perceived, in any other time frame of my life, as absurd.

It's not only the rush I feel when we have new groceries in the house, or  Little Cuter's We hit the jackpot!! when SIR scored a mega-pack of toilet paper at Costco. (There are people who feel that way on the first of every month, and I sent a donation to the Food Bank as I typed those words.....).

Hamburgers on the grill with fresh meat and fresh buns have never tasted so good.

It's not only feeling no guilt over staying inside and binge watching Billions, it's feeling virtuous while doing so. 

Friends are sending masks my way.  My bandanas, last seen when I was hiking 20 miles a week,
have reemerged as ppe's.

Having figured out a way to play mah jongg on-line, I'm able to get my gaming fix.  I still have three more books in my mystery series on the Kindle.  I FaceTime with my grandkids every day.  I've figured out groceries.  So far, my family is safe and healthy.

Somehow, this is all feeling much too comfortable. 


  1. Although I am doing pretty much what I'd be doing anyway to avoid getting the flu and I am an introvert; so running around a lot is not my thing. Even with that I am feeling very stressed and some is having to build a new life down here where we hadn't anticipated that this soon, hadn't prepared for it and with the staying in, building a new life is on hold for meeting new people, making some friends here. This all came from out of nowhere and sometimes it has me feeling very stressed and a lot of anxiety (not unusual for me anyway though). Even introverts need real friends to have coffee with or do something and all of mine for that are in Oregon. The upset over the situation though only hit me the other day and will probably pass :). Reading how you are managing your life through it was an uplift.

    1. I find that listening to other people's stay at home stories helps me, too. You must feel so trapped here, when your "real life" is in Oregon. I wish we could visit in real life....

  2. I hope we can do that someday. Our real life is going to be here but it was there. Our son is taking over the small ranch as it's something we've planned-- just came suddenly. I find it interesting how old age changes things in ways we didn't necessarily plan. I've seen it with others but now it's our turn. I am lucky that we have this place as we have long loved it.

    1. Yup.... tomorrow, any version of it, is not promised to any of us. It's age and circumstance and who the hell could plan for a F'ing plague?!??!
      You're lucky to have a place you love ready to accept you. Once we can, we will certainly meet up.

  3. I have been quite content with my life of no obligations and no demands on my time. Sure, I miss some things, but my days at home are full and I feel quite functional with all I have to do here.

    There has become a niggling concern, though, and that's our food supply and chain of distribution. We've seen it with the toilet paper, eggs, dairy...but now I am hearing from growers who are plowing under thousands of acres of produce that cannot be shipped. Meat plants are shutting down, and just recently a chicken processor had to destroy thousands of chickens because there were no workers to process the chickens into food. Workers without salaries to buy food. Food stores without food to buy. This has become my concern.

    1. The sheer waste of it all - the goods and the human capital. If only we had a leader .....

  4. This reminds me of the meme that was making the rounds which talked about the sacrifices the Greatest Generation had to endure, and compared that to us "sacrificing" by sitting on the couch and watching Netflix.

    1. And for those of us not parenting and working a full-time outside the home job from inside the home while doing elearning with a 5 year old and managing a toddler whose 2 favorite words are Mine and MaMa it's not all that bad. For those who need a no longer coming in every week paycheck, who are putting themselves at risk.....


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!