
Tuesday, April 28, 2020


It was BYOE at our house.... or, to be precise, on our driveway.... last night. 

The E stood for Everything:  Chairs, Liquid Refreshments and the vessels thereof, snacks if needed..  It was the easiest party I ever hosted.  I was in charge only of knowing when the shade would hit.

The six of us - Dr. K and Not-Kathy, Fast Eddie and JannyLou, TBG and I - sat appropriately distant from one another, the breeze either blowing the virus away from us or onto us, depending on whose version of the facts we chose to believe. 

The tiny flying bugs weren't too annoying and then the bats came out and we stopped swatting.  Not-Kathy pouring her mini-mason jar of light brown liquid into a fancy-shmancy glass, Fast Eddie sharing good news.... there was nothing really outstanding about any of the little things that happened over those 90 minutes..... and it was the best time I've had since the beginning of March.


  1. Replies
    1. It felt vaguely disrespectful of the social distancing guidelines, but we didn't touch or come close to one another. It was so good for our mental health, and that's important, too

  2. It's nice that you have such a large hardscape area in your yard for just such a gathering. We live on a small lot, all of the neighbors likewise. Yet, on Saturday the people across the street through a big party for their son's 15th birthday. Cars parked along the street. Thirty plus folk, from toddlers to old people, hanging out in the postage stamp front yard. Lasted a couple of hours with an Hawaiian shaved ice truck showing up for part of the time.

    1. Oh dear. I hope you and yours stayed inside and away from the nuttiness.

  3. Oh, yes, I just looked out from the living room window. This house has three generations living in it, and sometimes others come to visit, too. So far, so good, I guess, but I wonder what happens if someone in the house gets sick. The grandpa is the only one still working, though, so not sure how they can afford all that they do. Six brand new bicycles have arrived this past week.

    1. Hmmmmmmmm.......
      I have a hard time feeling sorry for people who are willfully disregarding The Rules, putting themselves and others at risk, but when you know them, when you see them, it brings it into specific relief. Those very people... right there.... OY


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