
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Are You Feeling It, Too?

FaceBook smacked me in the mouth with it this morning. 
Okay, vacation's over! Get out of your pajamas and start adulting!
I was snuggled up with an iPad and a good book, gloomy coldness outside making the comforting blankets feel just a little bit warmer.  And then that piece of advice doused me with cold water.  I really ought to get up and get going.

The Prince Scholars are on vacation until Monday; I had vague hopes of joining them.  Apparently, it is not to be.

Little Cuter took today off as a mental health day.  Personal care, space from those who love her and need her, hours spent on her own terms.... she hosted and parented while the rest of us vacationed; she, among all others, deserves at least one day off. 

I have no such excuse.

I secured a spot in a Level II Pilates Coretet in the 9 o'clock hour, and dashed through the brisk morning air, clambered up the stairs, and stretched until I had no more kinks at all.  We went out to lunch and transferred our prescriptions to accommodate our new Rx plan and tried to get the car washed but it was closed. 

Too cold and gloomy for the cleaners to be cleaning meant the same fate for my gardening plans.  I gathered the holiday decor within the confines of the dining room and once I scour the house for any final lurking remnants (like the Santa face door hanger I just noticed on the desk beside me) I'll box them up and call Amster's kids to schlep them to the closets in the garage.

I'm saving my energy for the parts of adulting that only I can do.  Heavy lifting is not on that list.

I will check the bills to be sure there are none in need of paying, then I'm going to start the last of the books in the series Big Cuter gave for Christmas. As I hang on with my fingertips to the warm fuzzies of vacation mode I find that I'm adulting.... but my way.... in sweats and oversized comfy tops.... with only myself to please.

I'm listening to the voice that says Smile!


  1. I too am slowly taking steps back to routine.

  2. I am busy grumbling about this weather! I can not believe how cold it is, neither can my poor bougainvilleas. They can't be cut back until the end of February, so we have two months of looking at frost blackened foliage. The horror.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!