
Friday, January 3, 2025

Stinson Beach Adventure

We took the kids to Stinson Beach on Monday, December 30th. They had never seen the ocean, so the views on Highway 1 were thrilling. 

We expected fog and cold and a ten minute dipping of toes in the water before we escaped to warmth and a mall. 

Instead we found an almost empty beach 
and crystal clear skies and water that could not be resisted. 
They swam and giggled and jumped and laughed.  They made a sand city with many roads and steps leading to a castle. 
The tide went out and they collected sand dollars and sea glass and shells.

We all agreed that it was a perfect day. 

My heart is full. 


  1. What a treat to get clear weather on the coast in Marin county this time of year.

    1. It was amazing! Little Cuter and kept saying how unusual it was. The weather gods smile on my grandkids🥰


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