
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

An Unsolicited Email


I don't know what list they bought.  I don't know how I, an active Act Blue donor, ended up on anything remotely connected to The Lying Liar and the Faux Hillbilly.  Still, there it was, staring at me from the screen.

I won't reprint the whole thing.  I don't want to ruin your day.  But I can't ignore the pain in my gut when I look at that emblem.  Police force?  Military force?  There isn't much joy in that emblem, is there?  

The email is an invitation to Trump Force 47 CAPTAIN'S TRAINING.  Yes, that apostrophe is making the Captain possessive.  Are we invited to watch the candidate be trained?  Mike Huckabee is the Special Guest; is he a captain who will be sharing his expertise?  Inquiring voters want to know.

DEFEND DEMOCRACY!  DO YOUR PART! the email exhorts. This seems somewhat disingenuous from a candidate who tried to overthrow that very democracy, who conspires with democracy's enemies, who thinks the Constitution is his to rewrite.

The Harris-Walz campaign, with support from the mainstream media, is misleading the public and launching attacks on President Trump.  I laugh every time he claims that the legacy media outlets are misleading the public.  There is no need to mislead from behind a curtain, as J D Vance pointed out in his latest speech.  He's lying about Haitian immigrants eating pets to draw attention to the issue.

Of course, the attention they are drawing involves bomb threats to schools and hospitals.  Just reporting the consequences of their actions may be considered launching an attack, and rightly so.  It's important that we call out those who are raising the temperature of the debate, who are inciting their followers to throw acid on unsuspecting residents.  Their words should be attacked by the adults in the room.

The Trump Force 47 Team urgently needs every patriot to rise to the challenge and fight for our country’s future.  Is it patriotic to fight for a man who promises to be a dictator on day one?  

I'm deleting the email now.  It has served its purpose and no longer needs to befoul my inbox.


  1. I wonder if my blood pressure will ever go back down to where it was controlled well. I doubt that we'll be done hearing from him when he loses the election but I'm really hoping that will at least help my health some.

  2. Where to start on this one? How about He's. Not. The. President. Could be that he's trying to get his brain-dead followers to try to intimidate what they think are liberal voters, or maybe he's trying to recruit those same brain-dead followers to "rise up" and start a civil war when he loses the election. Hard to say, but in any event I'm sorry it fouled your inbox. Perhaps a call to Truly Nolen will remove the stain .......

  3. Trump and Vance are beyond awful, but I can't convince my sister of that. She is among many. So baffling.


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