
Monday, July 15, 2024


I tried several titles on for size.  None of them fit recent events... or else they were not fit to print.  

There's a lot I might say aloud, but I'm reluctant to write most of it down.  I'm following Daddooooo's advice:  Don't do anything you don't want published on the front page of the New York Times. 

I've spent this afternoon curating my remarks.  These are the few that passed muster.

Where are the pundits calling out the crisis actors who created this scene?  Those pundits were noisy about the bullets flying around me, and that was certainly a blatant (if insane) political act.

I smile when I read gun safety advocates' posts holding the victims in their hearts and sending prayers.  I really hope that is all those poor souls need right now.  

And finally, rail all you want at immigrants and people of color, but it was a young white American man with a legally purchased firearm who tried to take your head off, Donald.  

I'm just sayin'


  1. You were the first person I thought of. You and Gabby and Christina-Taylor. Hugs…

  2. Thought of you too.
    And I'm glad you are "just sayin'!

  3. We have a problem in America - young, disaffected white men who have access to guns. I really have no idea what the solution is - you'd think, if there was an easy solution, we'd have implemented it by now. Admitting my bias, the most violent rhetoric seems to come more from the right (not exclusively). You reap what you sow?

    DH wondered if T was actually the target - perhaps he was really aiming for someone in the background. We will never know.

  4. Kinda ironic how the right's rapid support of 2nd Amendment rights resulting in someone with serious mental issues getting hold of an AR15damn near killing their cult leader. Just sayin.......................

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