
Monday, July 29, 2024

She's 10

Double digits have arrived. 

FlapJilly was a happy baby and she's a happy girl.  She was a beautiful baby and she's a beautiful girl.

She's a good person, inside and out.  Like her mother, she understands friendship and kindness.  She is capable of finding joy wherever she goes.  

She's a reader and a softball player and the world's most wonderful big sister.  

She still eats the little jelly packets when we go out for breakfast, graduating from the finger she used as a baby to a spoon now that she's grown up.

Grown up..... these ten years have flown by and taken forever at the same time.  She's the same person I've always taken for ice cream, only now she can reach the add-ons all by herself.  I'm afraid to find out that she is now taller than I am.

Happy Birthday, FlapJilly.  May all the double digits ahead treat you splendidly.  


  1. Prepare yourself, the next 10 years will fly, zoooooom. Hold on tight, and enjoy every moment of these "small" children getting "tall." They will overtake you and leap ahead in intelligence and ability. Their own personalities will settle in and take a firmer shape. Love every minute you can spend with them.

  2. Granddaughters are so special. My "little one" is now 19!


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