
Thursday, July 25, 2024


I remember when I noticed that Daddooooo was an old man.  It was sudden.  It was startling.  It was very sad. 

I had that same feeling tonight watching our President on television. COVID takes it out of you,  as I know from personal experience.  He looked like he was still feeling the effects. 

The worst part was missing the sparkle in his eyes.  He's always seemed to relish the moment.  Whatever the circumstances, he looked like he was enjoying himself. 

Not so much tonight.  

He was dim. He was quiet. He was reading from the teleprompter,  not looking at me through the camera. 

His talk was short.  He took on the Lying Liar with some of his old verve,  but it was Joe Light, heavy on the pauses, not so much on the punch lines. 

For the first time since the debate,  I agreed with those who encouraged him to step down.  I spent my tv time watching Kamala's recent greatest hits; she's come a long way as a candidate on the last four years. 

It's a new era in American politics,  if we can get past the Lying Liar.  I have nothing but admiration and respect for a man who's following in the footsteps of the great men who preceded him,  who he mentioned in his speech.  Washington, Lincoln, Roosevelt..... I want to add Biden to that list. 


  1. How can one not respect Joe Biden for his lifetime of service to this country, but he has aged a lot in the last year. It was time for him to pass the torch to Madam Vice-President. I think she can beat the orange thing. Very good post, you summed up his address so well.

  2. Yes, it was time for Joe to step aside. I realized that when I watched T-Rump's acceptance ramble, not because it was good, but because on stage he is overpowering and Joe could not match that. Joe has aged rapidly since his state of the union speech. I'm pretty sure Kamala can handle T-Rump

  3. Do you know about this evening's Zoom call in support of Kamala Harris? I am interested in what other women will be saying. Joe Biden is an amazing leader, and I believe he has given Kamala Harris a great deal of responsibility this past year to prepare her for this role.


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