
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Could It Be?

I spent today with a big smile on my face. 

A black woman will choose a vice presidential nominee.  Her choices include another woman, Gretchen Whitman, a gay man, Secretary Pete, a Jew, Josh Shapiro, and a person I know and who knows me, Mark Kelly. 

I never imagined this.  It gives me hope for America. I'm sleeping better now. 


  1. I, too, felt better at the end of the day. I kept thinking, if you all want Joe to step aside, come up with someone to replace him, don't just let it hang there. Finally, someone listened and things look a lot better. I hope it keeps getting better.

  2. As mush as I hated to see Joe step aside, it may be for the best, the energy and the fundraising have been incredible the last 48 hours, time will tell.

  3. I read this today and felt even better. From this guy's mouth (as the saying goes) to God's ear!

  4. I would love Mark Kelly, too, but am not sure he would bring enough of what they need to attract some independent and moderate and on-the-fence voters, though Arizona IS a purple state these days, and Mark does have the military and astronaut and Gabby going for him. Shapiro would offer a lot due to Pennsylvania,, but he has very little experience being a governor and seems extra young and untested. I hate to say this, but there are too many Americans who would not vote for a (another) woman or (another) minority or a gay man, so a straight white guy might be best.

  5. I am relieved. I had come to the conclusion that Joe must step aside. I think the Dems, and indeed the country, can come together with Harris. After the debate the progressive choice looked like it was " Hell no, Oh no!" Now we have an "Oh, OK"!

  6. I am loving this moment! Now what’s needed is the VeeP choice that will boost Kamala’s momentum and make it irresistible: the hero who brings the military vote, the undecided white guy vote, the family values vote. He brings charisma, name recognition, character, masculine energy, decisiveness, gun policy, Arizona, and Gabby. By the time he’s chosen and his deep, rich story is spooled out, it’ll be Halloween, and the MAGA crowd will never have caught its breath. And that’s your landslide, Dems, right there! That’s the winning ticket. Plus, Lordy, those debates!

  7. I was diagnose of herpes virus year 2010 then my life got devastated i have no idea what I could do with my life anymore until I came across a old friend of mine tiffany whom we study together back then in college, she was an African America I explain to her my current health condition she laughed and say that is not a problem because she know a traditional herbal doctor from African whom will cure me completely with a herbal medicines I wow about the conversation then she gave me the herbal doctor email address Dr Jekawo replied my mail and I was so happy and he explained how the treatment will go through 25 days, I agreed I paid the preparation fee of the herbal medicines and I received the herbal product within few weeks after preparation of the herbal medicines, I drink the herbal medicine as instructed I must confess that Dr Jekawo is a great traditional herbal doctor I go for a rapid test I was cured completely then I recommend him to my mom whom suffering from dementia and my husband whom was suffering from prostate cancer also get cured by Dr Jekawo. I want to use this your platform to thank him so much and to also recommend him to anyone suffering from herpes,cancer,fibroid,prostate infection,parkinson,gonorrhea,hiv,chlamydia,diabets,hpv,hepatitis and so many diseases Dr Jekawo can cure with his ancestral herbal knowledge is beyond my imagination.


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