
Friday, May 10, 2024

A Short Rant

Martha Stewart has taught me a lot of things.

Some of my favorite appetizers came from Martha Stewart Living, whose glossy pages also brought using vegetables to dye Easter Eggs and templates for Halloween pumpkins to my mailbox every month in California, when the kids were little enough to enjoy Mommy's crafting projects.  

Her garden pictures astounded me.  She seemed to know what she was talking about in the commentary.  My Master Gardener (Marin and Pima counties, thank you very much) self found no fault, even if her tips were Northeastern centric.

I laughingly replied Martha told me when asked how I knew things (like putting your name tag near your right shoulder so that someone shaking your hand can be reminded of who you are without having to glance away from the greeting by looking left).  I wasn't ashamed at all.

Until now.

She's making commercials for Miracle Gro.  She has her hands covered with plant material.  She's talking about good dirt.

Dirt is what's behind your ears.  Soil is what makes plants grow.    

So said every lecturer in every gardening class I ever attended.  Every time she says dirt I yell at the screen.

She's Martha Stewart.  She should know better.


  1. I noticed that too, but maybe she's speaking to her less knowledgable audience. Taking gardening classes can make you a garden highbrow you know. :-)

    1. Yes, but educating the populace is also on brand for her. Yes, I am a snooty gardener... and proud of it!


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!