
Friday, May 31, 2024


I'm really proud of America today.  The center held.  My faith in our institutions has been vindicated.

Not because the verdict went against the Lying Felon, but because there was a unanimous verdict of any kind.  

It makes me feel that our country is less divided than it felt yesterday.  Twelve people listened to facts, listened to explanations, talked about it, and then decided to tell a former President of the United States that the rules apply to him, too. 

I can let my breath out now. 

Tomorrow there will be time to think about the election,  about what it means to be a Republican voter right now, about the media,  about the future. 

Right now I'm going to revel in the wonderfulness of our democracy. 


  1. I can't agree that the country seems less divided since the verdict. It seems at least as divided, if not more so, based on the poll results and the news this morning about reactions to the verdict, not to mention the huge fundraising haul for Trump since the verdict was announced.

    1. Those fund raising numbers come from Trump so I wisdom their veracity. I'm not sure we're coming together, but I felt good at the moment.

  2. I don't know if the country is less divided, but that's not really your point. The rule of law prevailed, even over that dividion. That's worth celebrating.


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