
Monday, April 29, 2024

Three More Weeks

It's not even May yet.  Three Mondays from now, the Prince scholars will be on their summer break.

Did I mention that it's still April?  

When I was a child, school went through the third week in June, usually coinciding with Brother's birthday.  May was for starting to work on your year end project.  May was not for summer vacation.

It definitely feels like summer, though.  It happened overnight, everyone agrees.  One day it was cool in the morning and the next we were sweating through our usual 9 am walk.  The container plants need watering twice a day.  

Shade is at a premium.  The principal's husband drilled a hole in the stump of our dear, departed tree and now Grandma's Garden has an umbrella. Parking spaces under trees are at a premium.  

My navy and black clothes, my long sleeve shirts, and all but one of my sweatshirts are comfortably ensconced in a clear plastic container, ready for TBG to lift them up on the shelf and out of the way. It's white pants and cotton skirts and sleeveless linen tank tops from now until Halloween.  

I have three weeks to gather my end of year treats for the teachers and staff and the garden leaders.  I have to figure out how to divvy up the plants in the garden.  Who will take home the blueberries?  The strawberries?  All those scallions attached to onions below?  

No more pot roast for a while.  Chicken salad and gazpacho are just more appealing as the temperatures edge up toward the 90's.  

The pool really doesn't need the heater.  Pulling weeds then jumping in the most water we've ever owned reminds me why I love living here..... even if it's likely to hit 100 before school is out in three weeks.

Three more weeks.... have I mentioned that it isn't even May yet? 


  1. The schools in Fresno will go until June 7 but I will finish after the third week of May. By then the school world becomes a whirl of end-of-the-year activities and that means no room for me.

    This week I will read the last book to the first graders as I have to give them an assessment (grr) and it will take a whole period. Even though I've been doing this for 10 yeas, this assessment still sticks in my craw. Do you think they might fire me if I didn't do it?

    1. And if they do, you will take your show to a different school where the love is not contingent on performance markers.
      Grrrrrrr indeed. I'd ignore it. Let them come and find you to complain :-)

  2. Schools here in the Seattle area will go until mid June. Right now we are complaining about it being cold. High's in the low to mid 50's, and wet.

    1. Cold and wet.... ugh. My bones creak just thinking about it.


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