
Friday, April 5, 2024

Happy Birthday, SIR

There are people you know you will like from the moment you lay eyes on them.  

There are people who bring out the best in others, without even trying.

There are people whose smile lights up a room, sharing the sunshine and joy with reckless abandon.  

There are people who play to a broad audience, comfortably enhancing any gathering.

There are life long learners, who know that the world has more to offer than they've seen so far, who are open to expanding their horizons, who happily admit what they don't know, as long as someone is there to explain it.

SIR is all of those people.  

His kids have a great example of how a husband should treat his wife, how a father should interact with his family.  Giblet's 1st Day of School statement says he wants to be Just Like Dad when he grows up.  That is a worthy goal.

Our daughter makes great decisions, especially when it came to picking a husband.  We are the luckiest in-laws in the world.

Happy Birthday, SIR!!  May all good things come your way, this year and every year to come.



  1. That's a great tribute. You are all forunate to have found such a wonderful man.


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