
Wednesday, April 3, 2024

A Very Short Rant

TBG asked if we had boarding passes.  

The email from United alerting me to my upcoming trip didn't have a link to boarding passes.

Turns out that if I'm not checking a bag I can't access a boarding pass anywhere but at a kiosk at the airport.  

Used to be that checking a bag required waiting in a long line for an attendant to assist you.  Now you can do all that from the comfort of your desk chair and simply drop off your bags when you arrive,

unlike those of us who are traveling light, for a 7am flight, who don't want to intersect with the world any more than absolutely necessary before sunrise, at least.  

Nope, for those of us trying to be as low maintenance as possible, there's one more step.  For my uber-anxious spouse, that's just one more thing that could possibly go wrong, one more thing for which we should add just a little more time, just in case.

Thanks to United Airlines, my 4:30am alarm is now set to 4:15.



Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!