
Monday, March 4, 2024

I'm Done

I've been anxious for several days.  Driving home on Friday, I catalogued all the pieces of my life.  There is nothing to stress over, beyond the fact that age is taking its toll on our bodies.  Everything is fine and yet I'm still antsy.

The cd I was playing ended.  As I hesitated to turn on NPR, I realized the source of my angst.  It's the Lying Liar and all the tentacles he's using to poison my America.  

I once wanted to be a Supreme Court justice.  Now, the thought of sharing a room with Clarence Thomas makes me quiver and quake.  There was a bipartisan border solution, which was just what he asked for, yet he stomped on it for political gain, putting the legislative process up for sale.  And don't get me started on the ChristoFascistFool's minions have in store for reproductive rights.  

Naming the source helped..... a little.  But today, Sunday, my brain nearly exploded.  The news was filled with a NYTimes poll (the NYT.... gee, it must be legit, right??) showing Trump trouncing Biden in November.  The front page stories included that tidbit, plus other ways to make America seem hopeless and in crisis.  

I threw out everything except the Magazine and the Book Review and the Style section.  There's the rest of the paper, recycled before being opened and certainly before being read.

Then Substack came to my rescue.  I follow Jay Kuo, a Stanford/Berkeley educated lawyer.  He explains complicated situations in almost real time, except on Fridays when he gives us memes and funny animal videos.  He exposes the inadequacies of the poll here.  For those who want the TLDR version (Too Long Didn't Read for you neophytes), here are some highlights:
  • I do not believe Biden is tied with women nationally 46-46… Biden got 57% of women in 2020. You're telling me that, post-Dobbs, his support among that demo group will drop to 46? Not credible
  • The poll was conducted in English, although it included non-English speaking Hispanic voters.
  • Older Latino voters, whose native language is often Spanish, are some of the most reliable Democratic voters out there. To ignore them in the poll and focus nearly only on English speakers understandably delivers wacky results. The Univision poll, by the way, had Biden over Trump 58 to 31 once you included Spanish speakers, who skewed 62-26 for Biden.
  • The youth result skews toward Biden, but at half the rate other major polls suggest.
Finally, it's 200 days out from the election and most people aren't as obsessed as I am.  I'm not sure where the bias comes from, but I'm done with the NYT.... except as noted above and the games during the week.  For me, as the article in Vanity Fair suggested last month, the NYTimes has become a gaming platform with an occasional news drop.


  1. I too am obsessed. I cannot deal with the news right now. Terry and I cannot believe America is crazy enough to do what you are hinting at, electing a maniac who wishes to rule the world, and yet, we've seen it happen here and in other places, before.

    1. Who are these people who love him??? is our frequent refrain.

  2. As you discovered, this poll is an outlier there were only 980 participants, hardly a cross section of voters in the US. Most people don't answer their phones unless they know who it is. I know I don't.

    1. And hardly anyone has a land line. We have a spam blocker that's pretty effective, too.

  3. Polls can make you crazy. They are less reliable all of the time, as ordinary people don't often respond or others give false responses.
    Yes, the poles scare me too. It's going to be a long political season. We will have to spare ourselves some of the verbiage. We do have lives to live.

    1. That's what I keep telling myself --- he doesn't get to ruin these beautiful spring-like days!


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