Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Big Kids in Grandma's Garden

An entirely new set of boys were in the garden today.  They found an empy 5 gallon pot that, apparently, required an immediate infusion of soil from the digging bed.  No one was quite sure what they were going to do once it was full.  They were purposeful and polite.  I let them be. 
We decided to fill the new raised gardens with the remains of last summer's soil delivery.  It was a dirty job (Oh no! You're dirty and you're working in the garden.  What a surprise!) so the boys in the back kept their hands clean for eating garden grown lettuce.  
These three were relentless.  Discovering the most efficient method of transferring the soil from the pallet on the ground to the bed above, breaking the clods in the bed so the roots could move unimpeded, needing no adult presence except when the compliments became too infrequent.  
This scholar was determined to have the surface present an even face to its public.
She approached it from every angle.
Do we think they are having any fun at all?


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!