
Wednesday, February 21, 2024

An Irrefutable Argument

It is true that there are those who've drunk the MAGA kool aid and are just waiting for the poison to seep into the rest of us.  There are those who will not listen, and that is sad. 

But for those who might have a small chink in their armor, maybe because they love you, and who might be willing to listen and think about what you're saying,  you might try this:

The State of New York found that your guy is unqualified to do conduct business unless two, separate monitors sign off on the deal.  He cannot write a check unless it is cleared by different entities, each of whom is endowed with total oversight of the man's affairs.

If the State of New York thinks he's not to be trusted with his own business affairs,  why would you trust him with the country's spending, budgeting, forecasting?  These are your tax dollars he's spending.... or grifting.

That's the kind and loving way of saying what I heard in a cascading series of talking heads following the lead.  That's herea;

So, the man needs a babysitter.  Actually, two babysitters because he's such a bad boy.  Can't trust him with a marker, let alone a checkbook.

Mommy, may I?  What a massive blow to his ego.  He's built his brand on being a brilliant business man when all he's done is make stuff up.  

He can't be trusted with his own checkbook.  Why in the world would anyone trust him with ours?


  1. I read a piece the other day that recalled an interview with a true billionaire from New York City who described Trump as "not a billionaire but a clown that lives on credit." "Nuff said.

    1. No one who lived in the tri=state area believes that Trup is anything but a buffoon. He was a laughing stock.... until he was not.


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