
Monday, October 30, 2023

How This Came To Be Written

I finished Dr. Zhivago last night, the ponderous translation almost but not quite ruining what must have been lyrical wonderfulness, overflowing with passion, flowing, one word into the next, to paint the pictures in the original Russian. A quick search of the interwebs found this fascinating deep dive into the three translations into English, which I think is brilliant because I agree with every point the author makes.  

But as flat as the language was, there were morsels of wonderfulness that are percolating in my brain.  We're supposed to watch the movie before our first class on Wednesday.  I'll have more to say about it all after that. 

Taking advantage of the breezy temperatures in the 70's, I treated myself to new plants and potting soil and was happily digging and replenishing and discarding and planting and carrying and kneeling and doing all the things I used to do and feeling pretty good about myself until all of a sudden I was tired.

I cleaned up and plopped on the couch next to TBG and his football.

Do you have lots of bad tv to watch tonight?

One game left.... definitely a good time for you to miss it and blog..... I might take up blogging tonight, too.

And we laughed. 

I thanked him for this post, wrote it while Red Zone (a real time capture of highlights from all the games in the land) wrapped up, and now we can have a lovely dinner and watch Gun Crazy, one of our favorite film noirs.

Life is good right now.


  1. Why can't the temps be in the 70's all the time? Seriously, if I ever get to be in charge of the world that is among the changes I would make.

    1. 70's and sunny. No humidity. A soft westerly breeze.
      Eggs, bread, fruit, and cheese. Books.
      Where do we go to get elected??


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!