
Tuesday, September 19, 2023


I'm a reasonably intelligent person.  I've lived 71 productive years on this planet and I've encountered all manner of things.  And then there was this.
I was able to discern the plastic wrap around the green lid. That was easy to remove.  The same could not be said for the rest of the container.  I tried twisting.  I tried lifting.  I tried squeezing.  I don't remember which one detached the green piece, but I wasn't in any better shape once it was gone.

I twisted. I pried.  
Then I touched the top .  It moved separately.  The deep edge stayed put.  
Looking and feeling produced a very small, very transparent, very stuck to the rim tab.
I managed to grab it (no mean trick with my bent, arthritic finger) and access the pesto.  It was yummy.

But it didn't end there.  The recipe called for 1/4 cup of white wine.  This Yellow Tail pinot grigio was no easier to open than the pesto.

You can see where I bent the cap, trying a bottle opener when the twisting suggest3ed by the ribbing didn't move anything at all.  I tried to cut the black stuff (you can see the slice marks from the scissors) and failed.  My rubber gripping pad and several well placed expletives finally managed to open the damn thing.  
I was thinking about this post while the french fries were in the air fryer.  I took out the new bottle of ketchup and easily unscrewed the top.  It's big enough to be comfortable in my hand but not too big to grasp.  

And then there was this:

Pinching those little extensions while pulling up while not ripping the material was more than my poor old hands could manage.  

There are many reasons I love my husband.  His ability to penetrate the impenetrable is high on the list.


  1. I have taken to stabbing those inside seals with a sharp knife -- take that you little %#*@. I swear that they make the tabs smaller and smaller. And plastic containers are thinner and thinner so they squish while you try to get a grip on the smaller caps. Good enough reason to give up anything in plastic for me and better for the environment besides.

    1. So true.... but a glass ketchup bottle is unobtainable, and salad dressings, too, have those damn things. I usually use a knife, and feel the same way you do: TAKE THAT!!

  2. I had an issue similar to the pesto lid this morning with a new jug of protein powder, which I was using to make a smoothie for breakfast. It was a bear to get the container open before I'd had my coffee.

  3. Oh yes, another vote for "I too feel your pain"! I find that the stabbing method Olga mentions is often my best bet. For me, the pull tabs on cans of things are the hardest on my hands.

    1. Oh, those soda cans, those soup cans, those supposedly easy to open cans.... my fingers complain bitterly.

  4. I recognize all of these struggles, and can add another - the childproof medicine bottles. "Push down and turn". Huh? How? And there is no stabbing trick for those.
    I am 79 years old. I don't need childproof caps. I need elder able caps.

    1. G'ma's druggist put her pills in easy to open containers. Maybe your pharmacy has them too?


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