Thursday, September 21, 2023

It's a beautiful afternoon,  The sun is low in the sky, the temperature is in the nineties, and there's almost a breeze rustling the tops of the trees.  It's my favorite time to be here, at my desk, looking out the window,  having just finished yesterday's post.  

Sometimes there's a school bus, and I think of Christina-Taylor and I smile because she was wonderful.  Often, there are dogs on leashes attached to fit people striding or strolling, stopping to smell and investigate and leave their mark on The Doggie Internet (TBG's description of places dogs just have to pee).

Our part of the street is flat, and therefore welcoming for cyclists and runner of all shapes and sizes and ages.  One thing I never considered when assessing the ways they differ was politics.  Not until just now.

I was gazing and my mind was drifting and then a wiry, 40ish, white guy in tiny running shorts and a tank top in red white and blue came into view.  His legs appeared first; the trees blocked his upper body.  And then he was in front of me, running at a nice pace, and waving a very large Betsy Ross flag.

This flag thing was unusual in the neighborhood.  I can't remember ever seeing one being used as an exercise prop, and exercise it certainly was.  The flag was held aloft by one hand on a substantial pole, and it waved, side to side, rhytmically, slowly, making sure it was noticed.

Curious, I asked Mr. Google and what I read has taken me a moment or seven to process.

Apparently, that flag has been co-opted by right wing extremists.  "Under the guise of ‘heritage,’ symbols of early U.S. history have long been adopted by hate groups." was the article that made the most sense to me.

So sure, maybe he's just a guy who likes antique flags.  

But why do I have that creepy sense in my neck and shoulders?  Why do I suddenly feel not so safe any more.


  1. I do have to ask "what is this dude's point?" Why go out for a run to get some exercise and wave this flag at the same time? TBH, I suspect it was not about exercise, but rather his way of furthering his twisted message. These people wear me out.

    1. Exactly. Was he trying to make me anxious? He certainly succeeded, I'm sorry to say.
      I'm exhausted.

  2. I agree--he is furthering his twisted message. We have people who drive around here with Confederate flags, the Betsy Ross flag, and of course Trump flags. Most are in big pickup trucks with loud engines. They are trolling in what they consider to be the woke and lefty heart of the city and campus.

    1. Oh, yes, they are here, too, with TRUMP painted on oversized garages and giant flags with his name on lifted giant trucks, often blaring the national anthem.
      I suppose it's no different than painting or waving a rainbow flag, except, of course, for the messaging behind it.
      Evil. Pure evil. There's nothing positive I can say about it. Nothing. He got off on terrifying me - what a man.

  3. That flaunting of hate in my neighborhood would bother me for several days.

  4. I saw an article about historical symbols used by hate groups and it is bothersome that there are so many hate groups. I was at a gathering once and overheard two woman complaining at length that THEY stole OUR rainbow. This society has become so divided, I wonder how it will resolve itself.

  5. After President Biden took office, 2 of my neighbors hung black streamers attached to their American flags. This was their way of mourning. Both, have expressed their political views on Facebook and they are not Democrats. I try to just ignore them but often worried if I would have to defend myself from them if a new Civil War were to occur. It's scary.


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