
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Where A Rant

Where are the grownups over there?

The presumptive Republican nominee for President of the United States has a very full calendar this summer.  If he thought he was busy when Dr Fauci wanted to talk to him about the Pandemic, he's going to be really surprised when he finds all those court date taking up his time.

It is stunning to me that millions of people are willing to put him back in office.  

Reality Winner spent years in prison for revealing one report, a report detailing Russian interference in our election.  The lying liar took battle plans.

He took a lot more, too.  He took the country to the brink of disaster.  And he's the front runner for the Republican nomination.

Is there no one but Chris Christie who is willing to offer an alternative to a twice impeached, twice indicted, lying liar?  I cannot imagine what the debate is going to be like.  

There must be a principled argument against Bidenomics.  There must be someone on the other side of the Democrat's notion of foreign policy who can frame a coherent sentence.  The lying liar certainly can't come up with either one of those, of that I am certain.  

Where are the grown ups?  


  1. Just shaking my head. I have no words right now.

    1. Every once in a while it all bubbles over and I have to rant!

  2. The fact that this freaking criminal is walking around free let alone the front runner for the Republican nomination for President tells you everything you need to know about the Republican party.

    1. And all those other fools will pardon him, or so they say. AIEEEEEEEEE


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