
Monday, June 26, 2023

State Champs

They are the Indiana State Champions.

They play in the Babe Ruth Softball 8U Division.  After a weekend of elimination games, sometimes coming from behind, sometimes crushing their opponents, they proved themselves to be the best in the land.

Much excitement ensued.  

They move on to Regionals next weekend..... in Louisville, Kentucky.  Air fare from Tucson is more than $1100 per grandparent.  It's a 26 hour drive.  Just looking at the map is exhausting.
We'll be relying on live updates from the excellent app Little Cuter, channeling my thoughts, just sent me.  

Should they win it all and move on to the World Series, the games will be held on  Florida's Treasure Coast.  Fort Pierce,  home of the Federal Courthouse in which Donald Trump will be tried, anchors the northern end of the Treasure Coast.

I'm not considering attending in person.  

It's not only the fact that it would hurt my soul to spend money in Ron DeSantis's state. It's that the temptation to wear one of my woke t-shirts in public would be, I'm afraid, overwhelming.... and incredibly dumb

There will be live streaming of the World Series games.  I may even learn how to cast it from my phone to the tv.  We won't miss a single play and my I can remain happily on my high horse.  It's a perfect solution.  But, as Little Cuter says, one step at a time.

Right now, we are reveling in the wonder of it all. State Champs!!!!!


  1. That's exciting. You will be there in spirit I am certain. Good luck to your team!

  2. Wow! What a fine looking group of athletes.

  3. Congratulations. I saw the photos on IG and was so pleased for all of you. I too would not show up in Florida, even for my darling grandchildren. My daughter has gone there twice now for conferences and it takes all my resources to not scream at her for going. She does know I'm not pleased.

    1. I have been wondering all day if girls' sports are going to avoid scheduling tournaments there..

  4. Congratulations!! Very cool. And I too would not set foot in FL.

  5. What fun, congratulations! Another vote for not setting foot in FL. But I would count on you to be the adult and NOT wear one of your woke t-shirts in public - on my recent trip to Washington, D.C., I resisted slapping the 8th grader wearing the "let's go Brandon" shirt upside the head! It's hard for me to believe that sponsors allowed him to wear that.

    1. Free speech and all, but an 8th grader near me would certainly have to justify his beliefs. I've got a post on this coming soon

  6. Great job, FlapJilly! And good call AB on avoiding FL....

  7. I don't plan to ever go to Florida either, but it is hard to make these choices. Congrats to your granddaughter and her team.

    1. I'm so glad that there are other reasons to avoid the trip. Having my politics get in the way of my family is, as you say, a hard choice to make.

  8. What a thrill! A lifetime memory! State Champions🥰


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