
Friday, June 30, 2023

It's Not Getting Any Cooler

Our local NPR outlet ran a story about the increase in burn cases seen in local ER's.  Apparently, asphalt in full sun in triple digit temperatures without a cloud in the sky reaches either 150 or 180 degrees Fahrenheit.  

That's enough to cause second degree burns, which they are seeing on addicts who fall asleep on the pavement and on the elderly, who fall and cannot get up.  Just thinking about G'ma's thin skin on the hot sidewalk makes me cringe. It would separate like tissue paper in a flame.

There's a lot to be worried about as we age.  I don't think that burning sidewalks ought to be one of them.

The Babe Ruth League Indiana State Champion 8U Eastside girls are driving from the Chicago area to Louisville for the Regional Tournament.  They haven't been able to practice outdoors because the smoke from the Canadian wildfires has caused their air to be unsafe.  They are on their way to a Ring of Fire,

with heat advisories galore.  

Climate change?

We're going to look back on these beginning days of the planet overheating as naivete run amok.


  1. It's not going to get better, is it? I feel like I'm living in a fool's paradise, with Nero fiddling while Rome burns, literally. Our hot weather took awhile to arrive this year, no over 100 degrees until today, the last day of June. That may be a record. But, the heat is coming, full-bore.

    1. And the fires that come with it. The end times?

  2. People with dogs need to remember that they can't walk their dogs on hot sidewalks and streets. Their paws will burn.
    Weather extremes are our new plague, and no, they are not going to get better.

    1. I was at a party where the host dog was wearing booties... and that was a month ago!


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