
Thursday, May 25, 2023

There Are Holes in My Life

School's out for the summer.  I have no scholars begging for my attention, sidling up for a quick hug, screeching HELLO!! across the playground.  

It's been many months since Lady Jane shed this mortal coil; I miss her every time I drive past her house.  I could count on her for lunch or an adventure every week.  I didn't have to plan them.  She did the work.  All I had to do was show up.

Scarlett is seriously under the weather and in no condition to amuse me three times a week with mah jong and long stories.  I miss her little dog racing like a crazy person whenever you come to the door.  There are certain smiles on the faces of certain friends that will live in my heart forever; Scarlett's joy in her pooch's love for me is certainly on the list. 

JannyLou is long gone to her retirement community; a good move for her but a big loss for me.  She was always up for a quick lunch or a long chat, without any notice at all.  Friends with availability are a rare commodity these days.

I find myself to be good company, and TBG provides hours of entertainment when asked to engage beyond the sports and politics talking heads.  But there are holes in my life that I just can't mend right now.  

I'm feeling bereft.


  1. Oh, I hear you about those holes...there are three I have not filled. I have dear friends with whom I meet every month, but it's just not the same as the ones who are gone.

    1. They meet different needs, your Ladies Who Lunch and the individuals who fill the spaces in your life. Pandemica separated me from my card playing friends and my mahj group. Perhaps I'll start that up again.

  2. That is sad, but unfortunately it's another loss that comes with aging.

    1. It's so true. I wish I had been more prepared for it.


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