
Friday, April 28, 2023

The Bank Called - A Snippet

Caller ID said PNC Branch Bank.

My blood pressure spiked.  My hands shook, flop sweat took hold of my armpits, and my voice was tiny as I said Hello?

A nice voice identified itself as the branch manager and asked how I was doing. 

How was I doing?  I was shaking.  Bank errors are never in my favor.  I've been out of town and uninvested in my real life for two weeks. All sorts of mayhem might have ensued while I was blissfully baby watching.

I'm a little anxious.  Is something wrong?

I'm sure the pause felt longer to me than it did to my interlocutor.  

Then he laughed, said No, no, not at all and proceeded to thank me for the nice e-review I left n their app after TBG deposited a check for me while I was gone.  He was glad to help me with any future banking needs I might have.  He thanked me for my time and wondered if there were anything else he could do for me..... and I spoke before thinking:

Sure.  Don't ever call me again.  You scared the shit out of me.

We were both laughing as we ended the call.


  1. Perhaps if your bank could text you, it would be less stressful. The credit union sends me texts when certain things are done, sort of like that text I get from some others to let me know if there is a change in passwords. Makes me feel much safer.

  2. Replies
    1. I read the audience.... I could tell he would laugh.

  3. I am happy for you that it all ended well. We had some banking issues to take care of just after my husband died in March. I wanted to switch the contents of his savings account into mine, and then put my daughter on the account so that when I die, she will have no trouble accessing the money. We had to go to the bank about 4 times to finalize that, as the woman forgot to have us sign some papers and we kept going back and she was "gone for the day". What a pain....I should get a call from the bank manager....LOl

  4. That was kenju, above. Don't now why it says anonymous!

    1. Write an email to the President or CEO of the Bank's main office. CC the Customer Relations VP. Your time is valuable. And you were sorrowful. And they were incompetent at worst and forgetful at best.... not a great combo for a banking establishment.
      I bet you'll get an answer by the next day.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!