
Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Triple Sessions - A Snippet

It's a snippet because I'm exhausted.  

I sat in traffic on the way to Pilates at 8.  I misunderstood the teacher's instructions and ended up doing something a lot more difficult than what she had in mind.  I did it well and I was proud.

I zipped home, retrieved my mat, and was at Yoga in Tohono Chul  for the 9:30 class.  It was ccccold when we started and warm and sunny when we finished, full of radiant health and wonder at the world surrounding us.

The day was so beautiful I walked through the gardens, following the new signage to the new location of the old Children's Museum of Oro Valley.  It's more of an activity space than an actual museum, but I think the grandkids will have fun following the signs to get there.

That wasn't enough out doors for me.  I headed to Christina-Taylor's path and walked for 2.5 miles at a brisk pace, listening to the History Chicks and reveling in the weather.

I picked up a few things at the grocery store and came home to the couch.

I suppose I could think of something besides a recounting of my day.... but I'm exhausted.

Yay for Science!  I'm exhausted.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!