
Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Valentines Day at Amphi Middle School

Once again, Grandma Suzi brought Valentines to the middle school.
Some of the scholars wrote copious words of love and encouragement.  
Some didn't want to commit to sitting down.

Some decorated their faces.
Some just wanted me to take their picture.
Once they realized the photos were going in The Burrow, these scholars were happy to smile for the camera.
The young men took the project quite seriously.

Some of the cards were silly.
Some were kept private.
With the help of Google Search the flag of Tanzania appeared.
Cutting out a perfect heart took several tries.
Once the doily's place in my Valentines history was established, the oldest girls went all in.
There was kibbitzing. 
There was posing.
But mostly there was love.

I've been doing this for a dozen years.  Every year is filled with hugs from tweens who look nothing like the kindergarteners I met years ago.  Do you remember me?  What's my name?  I'm terrible with names and faces... especially faces that have matured over the past 9 years.

But they asked about the garden, and they asked how I was doing, and they paid attention to my answers.  They shared memories that made us smile.  We have history together.  

It was a wonderful lunchtime.



  1. For a moment there you made me miss my years working in a middle school!

    1. When they are good, they are very very good, but when they are bad...... you are glad you retired!

  2. Oh, what a wonderful experience you are creating, for them and for you!


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!