
Wednesday, January 11, 2023


There's a lot going on tomorrow.  I haven't had a lot going on in a long time.  I missed it during Pandemica, I resented a pale approximation of it when the world began to reopen, and now I'm resigned to the fact of it.

And the facts are that there's nothing I'd rather be doing than what I'm going to be doing.  I just wish it could be spread out over a few more hours.

I spent today planning my seeds-in-a-bag lesson for tomorrow's 5th grade science class.  The bean seeds are soaking overnight.  The pages to be projected onto the smart board are printing out.  The teacher is ready to help me with the technology; anything more complicated than writing on a white board is beyond my ken.

After that, I'm picking up She Who Does Not Make Left Turns at the airport.  There are not enough hours in the day to do all that I want to do with her, and I'll have her when her weekend meeting at the Ritz allows.  There's lots of planning that has been done, lots of tentative logistics considered, but no decisions beyond meeting her in the morning have been made.

That's another good thing, because I have a colleague from Cornell coming to town on Thursday, overlapping the plans I had to hike after Pilates.  Flexibility has never been an issue for us, and I know it won't be now.  

I just wish things would try to spread themselves out. 


  1. Ah, yes, it's all or nothing. After 3 week hiatus for the holidays I am back to reading to first and second graders this week. I did the children's sermon at church last Sunday and next Sunday I am doing coffee fellowship. Oh, and a preschool board meeting this week as well as an eye exam. All good stuff but it's keeping me hopping. Something I'm not as good at as I was back in the younger days.

  2. My calendar is looking too empty. I need to borrow some of yours. :-)
    Enjoy it all.


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