Thursday, September 29, 2022

Back in Grandma's Garden

After more than two years of benign neglect (I maintained the irrigation while ignoring everything else), Grandma's Garden was in need of a serious overhaul.  I spent a morning or two pulling weeds, finding a carrot, and swatting small flies.  This was clearly a job for my young gardeners.

The little kids had fun weeding. They didn't make much progress, but they did require a lot of help.  There was no time for photos.  The bigger kids were more adept (they avoided disengaging the irrigation tubing) 
and were stronger.  It took two then three then four of them to extricate the carrot.
They dug around it with a plastic trowel, they pulled,  they grunted, then one intrepid soul got down and dirty and pulled it out.  
I'd have taken a photo but they were too excited to hold it still.   From the other raised bed, came these gardeners with something vaguely cucurbita....  a squash or a melon.... 

We cut it lengthwise and smelled the insides, which were sweet, with a thin round of white flesh between the shell and the juicy seeds.  We broke it up into sections and planted it in a variety of containers and spaces.
As always, there were bugs.  We put this fellow into the garden and watched him maneuver around a leaf.
It was a productive few hours.  We have proof :

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