
Thursday, July 28, 2022

We Voted

The doorbell rang during dinner last night.  A skinny, middle aged, white guy in shorts and a funny cap stood a respectful distance from the open door.  He was representing Your Vote Your Voice.  He wanted to be certain that TBG and I (reading our full names off his phone) had received our mail in ballots and that we knew that yesterday was the last day to mail them in.

Yes to everything, said I.  Did he know where the nearest ballot drop off box was located?  He fumbled with his phone for a while as I wondered why he wasn't prepared with that crucial information before he rang my bell.  Eventually, I told him that I'd look it up myself, I thanked him for his efforts, and I went back in to finish my dinner.

It was a valiant effort.  It just didn't add much to my voting experience.  

The County Recorder's website is new and improved with a just-elected young woman running the show.  It's flashy and happy and it took me waaaaaay longer than it should have to figure out where to drop our ballots.  Seems to me that as we enter crunch time the link to the drop off sites should be front and center on the home page.

Oh, well.  No one asked me.  And I found it, eventually.

There's a station in the closest public school's gymnasium, but who knows where on the campus that is?  I'm not looking for a long walk in the heat.  There are a couple of churches which have offered their lobbies, but they are out of the way for our errands today.  We'll be going to Westward Look, the resort across the street from TBG's doctor appointment.  There's no specific location mentioned on the website, but the lovely lady who answered the phone is now on a hunt for the answer as I type to you.

Alas, the website located voting places, not ballot drop boxes.  The delightful lady told me that voting will take place there next Tuesday.  She had, of course, no idea where I could drop off my ballot.

Back to the phone, on terminal hold, back to the website, found the Early Voting Sites box in the bottom corner of the busy page, clicked through and found two places kinda sorta on the way.  We'll drop them off this morning

I put the I VOTED sticker on my sunshield.  I feel good about the choices I made.  My work here is done.


  1. We voted yesterday. Our drop boxes are listed in our county voters guide. Arizona could learn a few things about voting from Washington State. But then, depending on who is running the show, making it easy might not be the goal.

  2. We have the option to vote by mail but I will go in person. One of my earliest memories is of my maternal grandfather carrying me in his arms into the polling place. I could not have been more than three but I remember clearly my grandfather (a Ukrainian immigrant) being SO proud to show me where he voted.


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