
Friday, July 1, 2022

I really needed something to cheer me up this morning.  

The world's going to hell in a handbasket and I am not enjoying the ride.  

We are tearing down instead of building up.  

The future is uncertain but feels bleak.

Nothing is going the way it ought to.

And then I turned into the driveway and saw this:

Before The Yard Guys gave it a drastic pruning, my Texas Ranger (Leucophyllum frutescens) was dying from the inside out.  After its haircut, with the innards exposed to sunlight, the main plant seemed to be doing just fine.  

Last week I noticed a few green sprigs at the bottom.  Somehow, without my paying attention, they turned into a lovely little bush of their own.

Maybe that's an answer.  Cut out the rot.  Expose the old and withered, hanging on for dear life, willing to kill the plant in order to survive.  Let nature take its course.  

If only the political world were as easy to manipulate as the natural world.  I'd be happy to fix things with a quick call to The Yard Guys

(Sorry this is late.... I forgot to add the photos last night.)


  1. I am not happy with the people whose obsession is tearing down. Criticize yes, and improve, but our roots as a nation are sound and true. Your plant is a beauty and has a story to tell us, plants with strong roots can survive and flourish as Scripture says.

    1. I am counting on those strong roots to survive this onslaught .... naive, perhaps, but ever hopeful.

  2. Yes, indeed. In my garden I now remove plants that don't behave.

  3. Nature does know best sometimes. We need to understand her language better.

    1. She speaks to me... quietly, in code, but always talking.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!