
Monday, December 27, 2021

To Sum Up

There was a new bike and horseback riding lessons and a hoverboard.

There were matching polo shirts.... more than once.

There were crossword puzzles and jigsaw puzzles and math games via a shared screen (thanks, Mom).

All COVID tests came back negative; medicine was prescribed as needed.

There were appropriate t-shirts in all sizes and colors.  Most of them fit perfectly.  

There were socks.  Many, many, many socks.

The weather enticed everyone outdoors, once it stopped raining.

There were some disagreements and some fussing but mostly there was fun and food and smiling.

I hope your weekend was as nice as the one I shared, in person and over the internet, with the ones I love the most.

1 comment:

Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!