
Friday, December 31, 2021

New Year's Resolution

I've actually kept a few of my resolutions.  Consider the concept of patience comes up every time I'm standing in line; just remembering it forces me to stop fidgeting and start smiling.  I may not have achieved patience (that would be a stretch) but I'm certainly considering it.

Compliment that which pleases you - and do it often is also a smile maker. Particularly conscientious workers deserve to be noticed and thanked and made to feel special.  I'm the one who fills out the How Was Your Experience surveys on the back of the grocery receipts.... but only when something goes well.  

That one also helps me focus on the positive.  It's been very useful over the last two years. (TWO YEARS?!?!?! Have I mentioned that I am so over COVID???).

In 2010 my yogi wished us all Radiant Health.  I decided to take it to heart; I did not get sick the entire year.  Coincidence?  Maybe.  I prefer to think of it as being perfectly aligned with what I needed.  And that's how I came to frame my 2022 Resolution:

From ease and grace, find strength.

I need to relax and stop beating myself up over what I cannot do.  I need to move through the world with greater fluidity - physically and emotionally - and that can only happen if I am stronger.  I cannot get stronger until I let go of the I can't's.  I need to stop trying so hard and, instead, lean into the process without worrying about the results.   There have always been plateaus and regressions in my rehab journey; I need to find the grace to let myself off the hook.  

I've been toying with the phrase for a week or so.  It's come in handy when a yoga pose or a pilates piece moves from challenging to oh, dear God.  I have high hopes for this one.  Yes, I do.


  1. I like your list of resolutions. I am actively working on all of them.
    Wishing us both some success in meeting them in the new year.

  2. I LIKE the idea of complimenting people and things that please me.

  3. I love this! Happy New Year. Here's to more visits to Tucson this year and that other added bonus we spoke of on our visit!


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