
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

We Had A Pandemic Date

We ran an errand where both of us went into the store at the same time (masked, of course).

We got lunch at a drive through window and ate in the car, under a tree in the parking lot.

We got a curbside pickup of groceries.

We came home.

This is not the way a rainy Tuesday should be spent.  I can't feel safe going inside a restaurant because people refuse to get vaccinated.  I can't stroll comfortably with my husband, because after a few minutes he starts to feel claustrophobic beneath his mask, and mask we must, because we don't know who is unsafe.

This is backwards.  It's not fair.  We did everything right and now we are punished and forced to stay home because others refuse to believe the science.  They are running around, merrily infecting themselves and others, and I don't want to be one of their others.  

I think they should stay home, or at least away from indoor spaces and crowded outdoor venues, and the rest of us should have free reign over the community spaces that now seem ultra-dangerous.  Several concert venues in Tucson and Phoenix are now requiring proof of vaccination in order to enter their space.  

Right now, though, I'd give anything for a vaccination only pizza parlor.


  1. At they very least they should wear their goddamn red hats so we know to stay away from them. (I know that is a bad attitude and that there are some with legitimate reasons to not be vaccinated but I also am sure it's a small number)

  2. Amen to your words today! I'm going to be celebrating my 2nd Covid birthday with take out food - it's so not fair! But the Tucson kids we haven't seen in 20 months are here for a few days so it's going to be a nice time even if we can't do everything we would want to.

    1. SO not fair! But then there's the joy of having the kids there! Hugs after a long time feel so good, don't they!?!?!

  3. I have those "goddamn red hats" in my family and I am going to have to mingle with them later in the month. But then I do now go to soccer matches and ride public transportation to get there, masked on the train but not in the stadium. Am I a hypocrite? I think it's just easier when you don't know who the ass hats are.

    1. No, not a hypocrite at all. I think we all have different risk profiles, and what feels save/palatable to you is what you do to stay sane. It's been too long to act like hermits any more.
      People I love and people I like and people who are otherwise good people (not red hats at all) are still unvaccinated. It makes me crazy.


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