
Monday, June 28, 2021

Putting Things Off

I have to work on the email forwarding service since Blogger is no longer supporting it. (If you get The Burrow in your inbox and you haven't sent me your email - now would be a good time to do so.) 

I have to repair the plantings in all three of my giant pots and two of the littler ones.

I have a leak in the irrigation that must be found and fixed.

I am looking at the open tube which needs a goof plug right now.  It sits outside my window as I type.  I found the goof plugs last week.  Why I haven't shoved one in there remains a mystery.

I have a shirt which needs alterations; I have yet to do the required measurements.

My winter clothes are in a pile on my closet floor.  Their plastic tub is in the garage.  This situation has existed for longer than I am comfortable revealing. 

I told Big Cuter that I'd mail his framed college diploma this weekend.  It's Sunday at 5:08pm...... that's not happening.

There are bills to pay and a cleaning service to hire and my car has a recall which needs an appointment.

I know I'll feel better once I do all these things.  I know that I have to do all these things.  And yet........I do none of these things.

I'm not proud of it.  I don't like how I feel when I look at this list.  And yet.....I do none of it.



  1. I hear you. I'm sitting here, reading and writing, when I should be swiffering the floors. I was too busy to do it yesterday so the cat fur rolls across the linoleum. My car registration is due and it will take a drive to AAA to do that, easy enough, but I've put it off twice now, just because. Terry cleaned out a closet that held his old military clothes and tuxedos. They are all piled on the guest bed, waiting to be delivered to the Salvation Army. Again, an easy trip, but one we put off. The heat is melting us into puddles around here.

    1. Oh. I didn't even get to talking about the floors! You've made me feel better... I'm not alone!

  2. You do appreciate the irony in this post, right?

  3. Lethargy is the worst, and overcoming inertia is hard.

    1. I think it's a hold over from COVID.... I'm going to write about it tomorrow.

  4. Nothing seems urgent to me any more - I think we learned that during our year of Covid. Sometimes I have specific medical appointments requiring prompt arrival but whether I also get the errands (return Amazon items at UPS Store, mail some things, make a deposit) done on a given day really doesn't seem to matter to me. I don't think that mindset is going to change.

    1. Yes, it is certainly a hold over from COVID.... I'm going to write about it tomorrow.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!