
Tuesday, June 15, 2021

It's Really Hot

It's really hot. Triple digits hot. Barely a breeze, fry your skin, don't even think about walking barefoot hot. It's 1070 hot..... at 6:17 in the evening.  

I swam early this morning.  The water was a delightful 880. The heater won't have much work to do today.

I found the UV's sun shield last week; it had been hiding right in front of my feet for a year. I wondered about it, but I didn't miss it until a few days ago.  


I never left my car last summer, never came back to a steaming interior and a too hot to handle gear shift, never went anywhere that wasn't curbside or drive through.  Emotionally, this is much better.  Physically, I'm not so sure.

After running around with the grandkids, my life feels sedentary.  Having to accomplish all the outside chores and activities before 10 in the morning is severely limiting, and the early evenings aren't  any more hospitable (cf paragraph 1, above).  

After walking in Indiana, I was considering short hikes in Arizona.  Those are going to have to wait.  Once again, Tucsonans are choosing shady spots rather than those closest to the door.  No one is bicycling past me in the middle of the afternoon.  The dog park is empty until the sun goes behind the mountains.

A friend and her family moved to town today.  Their belongings will arrive on Wednesday. 

I texted her, commiserating about the heat,  telling her When we moved into our house in 2006, it was 1170

Her response was perfect. 

That's the Tucson initiation!

She's going to fit right in.  Welcome to the neighborhood, Taos Bubbe.


Talk back to me! Word Verification is gone!